Entries by hopeuniting

Hearing our own good news

  Over the last few weeks we’ve heard a number of small stories from people, about where they have seen and experienced hope: Kirsty shared of her experience of the new hospitality group, and the way they have embraced becoming a community who engage with scripture, care for one another, and offering hospitality to others with simple […]

Waiting for…

I recently spent a blissful weekend on retreat at the Benedictine Abbey in Jamberoo. It was so still and peaceful; it is a place of silence, prayer and meditation. One of the women accompanying me commented that she didn’t realise how quickly quiet on the outside would lead to quiet on the inside. I noticed this […]

A palace in time

Those weeks when I find myself absent from Sunday worship, as earlier this month, I seem to lose track of time. There is a disjunction between the days and my sense of where I am. There is something missing, something intangible but non-negotiable for life. Perhaps it is simply that I am so used to […]

like sands through an hourglass

Time in the modern world seems to be in short supply. I recall staring out across Anzac Parade a few years ago, one hot afternoon in the weeks just before Christmas. The Rush was upon us, with parking wars aplenty, and shops overflowing as everyone scrambled their last minute arrangements. I was not immune by any means, […]


When least expected, The manna Comes. Like a burst  of lightning in a moonless desert night -Azriel Yakov, Manna     Manna seems a strange place to begin thinking about money. But maybe we can’t think about money until we have remembered the surprising generosity so often seen in the Scripture stories about God: Manna and quail […]


A new hope…

It’s been a day of significant steps for Hope Uniting Church. And I’m feeling tired and excited at all the possibilities before us. Our next Newsletter published (great work Myrle), a big financial hurdle crossed, our website nearing full readiness and some important planning discussions around the community garden. Down the road Nesto is grinding out the […]