Potluck Dinners 2025

Worship is at 10am Sunday mornings and all are welcome. Communion and community meal following worship, the first Sunday of the month.

Christian Students Uniting (CSU) Bible studies and social events are happening. Get in touch with the Uniting UNSW chaplain for more information.

Thursdays 10:00–11:30am
during school terms

Recent Blogs

Jesus Stories

One of the hardest things about life in 2020 is getting perspective. Everyone and everything seem to have been holding its breath as we’ve experienced and ongoing series of “unprecedented” events: bushfires, pandemics, global…

The Apostles Creed?

Faith is always done together. As the saying goes, it may be personal but it is never private (Jim Wallis, Sojourners). Because faith is about how we love God and how we love one another, it is by necessity a shared conversation. How you speak…

a tiny advent hope

Advent/ adv(e)nt/ noun The arrival of a notable person or thing. The first season in the Church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays. Christian Theology: the coming or second coming of Christ   Well…