At our recent meeting, the Hope Uniting Church Council reflected on who we are as a congregation community. One of the things that was named in our discussion was the importance of people being acknowledged and known as individuals, each bringing our own story and gifts to the community. This being known reflects our experience of encountering Jesus, who sees and knows us and calls us to follow.


On Sunday we read the story of a Samaritan women meeting Jesus by a well. As always, Jesus turned the world upside down, this time with living water. He saw this woman, truly saw her, and meets her with grace and authenticity. The encounter leaves her changed, full of joy and with stories to tell those from her village. What an example for our community as we seek to welcome, know and love each person we meet.


This week as we work, study, parent, dream, walk, rest and everything in between I hope we can find ways to notice the people around us and to honour them with our words and our actions. Perhaps we will be able to listen deeply to the story of another and share a story of our own. Who knows what we might learn, and where we will see God’s Spirit at work around us.


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