Worship is at 10am Sunday mornings and all are welcome. Communion and community meal following worship, the first Sunday of the month.

Christian Students Uniting (CSU) Bible studies and social events are happening. Get in touch with the Uniting UNSW chaplain for more information.

Thursdays 10:00–11:30am
during school terms

Recent Blogs

Prayer Practices

On Prayer- “Prayer is taking a chance that, against all odds and past history, we are loved and chosen.” Ann Lamott “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the world.” Karl Barth “We pray…

The destabilising gospel of love

Throughout my ministry I’ve found that people either love John’s Gospel for its strong claims about who Jesus is, or have found the whole thing mystifying for its long winded and dense style AND its polarising claims around Jesus. This…

1517 and the urgency of now

For the most part it feels as if our lives move at warp speed these days. Everything is urgent, instant and measured out in Mbps, likes and strategic plans. Perhaps we’ve bought into the latest mindfulness trends (useful) – though mostly…