Potluck Dinners 2025

Worship is at 10am Sunday mornings and all are welcome. Communion and community meal following worship, the first Sunday of the month.

Christian Students Uniting (CSU) Bible studies and social events are happening. Get in touch with the Uniting UNSW chaplain for more information.

Thursdays 10:00–11:30am
during school terms

Recent Blogs

Au Eswow

Life is busy. This year is busy. Somehow we find that it is already August! Sometimes I feel like I rush from one thing to another, my mind constantly churning and swirling, full of too many things. I (we?) forget to stop and breathe cialis…


A week ago I had a lovely afternoon café treat with some dear friends. It was to celebrate my godson’s last day of preschool. On Tuesday he had his first day of Kindy. I was delighted to receive the obligatory end-of-day photo to show that…