Worship is at 10am Sunday mornings and all are welcome. Communion and community meal following worship, the first Sunday of the month.

Christian Students Uniting (CSU) Bible studies and social events are happening. Get in touch with the Uniting UNSW chaplain for more information.

Thursdays 10:00–11:30am
during school terms

Recent Blogs

Kyrie Eleison

Lord, have mercy. Some days there are situations which confront us with horror.   I think of senseless violence in too many places. And I think especially of the sister in our congregation who flies to Cairns today to https://www.acheterviagrafr24.com/vente-viagra/…

Advent Beauty

Sunday was a day filled with beauty. The sun shone in the morning- perfect beach weather for an unusual free Sunday morning. I love the beach! The waves were rough and there was much laughter in trying to stay between the flags. Even…

Waiting, watching, praying

  In Advent we look for signs that God is present in our midst. We hope. We wait. We watch.   We pray: Advent-God, we are waiting for you. Burst in upon our lives with your colour and vibrance, like fireworks in a summery sky. God-of-Hope, forgive…