Date of Application *
When I would like to move in
Full Name (Title, Given Name, Middle Name, Surname) *
Nationality *
Gender * MaleFemaleOther
Place of Birth *
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) *
Home Address *
Suburb *
State *
Postcode *
Address for correspondance (if different from above)
E-Mail Address *
Primary Phone Number *
Parent/Next of Kin (Full Name) *
Relationship to you *
Contact Number *
Proposed/Current University Course *
Name of Tertiary Institution *
Tertiary Year Level (if applicable)
Name of Secondary Education Institution *
Years Attended *
Certification (e.g. HSC, IB, etc.) *
Who will pay your rent? * SelfParentsOther
If Other, please specify
Name of person who is paying
Are you currently working? * YesNo
If yes... * Full-timePart-timeCasual
List other work experience you have done in the past, include when and for how long. *
Which clubs, organisations, societies, churches, charities, or community groups have you been involved with? *
What are your interests/hobbies? *
What is your intended profession or career? *
Why have you chosen it? *
What books, other than for academic purposes have you read in the past 6 months? *
What qualities do you think you could contribute to the environment and life at Hope Uniting Church? *
How do you think living at Corio Student House could benefit you? *
Are there any particular matters, such as medical conditions, dietary restrictions, etc., which you think the church ought to know about? (Note: should there be a matter of a sensitive nature, you may raise it at your interview.)